Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Forbidden History of Unpopular People - Free Speech

Freedom of Speech is is very important in keeping Government as our Servant rather than our Master. Anytime Government attacks one of these 'Keys to Freedom' it is easy to spot but for me it looks something like this: first it will claim to have an intellectually superior position, secondly it will declare the majority agrees with it, and thirdly it will declare opposition to be Illegal, requiring punishment, expulsion etc
The Finklestein report has recommended the establishment of a new body to replace the Australian Press Council. The News Media Council would be a statutory body, government funded, membership of which would be compulsory for every broadcaster, newspaper and online publisher or even the smallest newsletter. The new council would have the power to require a news media outlet to publish an apology, correction or retraction or give a right of reply. It would also be able to dictate the manner and placing of the apology.

Set up by The Government

Funded by The Government

Members appointed by The Government

Sounds like Government taking the 'Keys to Freedom'
In episode #1 of the ‘Forbidden History’ trilogy Topher takes a stand on freedom of speech, using some of history’s most unpopular people to show that free speech is worth it, no matter what the price. 'The Forbidden History of Unpopular People' briefly surveys the history of these 'unpopular people' and shows us why we need EVERYONE to be free to speak their mind. We need ALL people to be able to say what THEY believe to be true, even if NO ONE ELSE agrees with them. EVERYONE should be free to disagree with each other, argue over the evidence, declare each other to be wrong and argue in favor of their point of view to their hearts content!
Topher Field looks at some unpopular people that were silenced:


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